So much to do… does Elementary Phys Ed matter? …

published on 12th November, 2022

We are teachers, we understand how much there is to do in such a short time.  But please please please take a minute to consider our case for regular Elementary School Phys Ed and Physical Activity…

You have a class full of children, their progression of the core subjects varies hugely, you want to provide them with an exciting curriculum.  Is it really your job to also consider their physical wellbeing?…

Actually, providing your students with regular School PE and a range of physical experiences is far more impactful than you may realize.  Physical Literacy is a concept that illustrates the long term effects on a person’s mindset, confidence and lifelong values.  Values that not only dictate a person’s health, but can effect the economic, financial and medical benefits of society.

Imagine that… by embedding a healthy, physical lifestyle into your students, you are taking the pressure away from Doctors, Nurses and all the other healthcare workers!!  This is superhero stuff, but if this isn’t engrained at Elementary School age, it is far less likely to meet its positive influences when a child gets older.

We are not talking about creating elite athletes here.  Elementary Phys Ed should be a knowledge based subject, and understanding healthy participation should be at its core.

“OK, I get it, children’s Physical Activity is important.  But what should I be doing, and how do I fit all of this in?”…


It is very easy to encourage children into physical activity.  As soon as the breaktime bell rings, most children run, skip, jump into the playground.  Why not speak to your breaktime supervisors about recognizing and rewarding children for this?…

  • The children who play the most active game win a house point.
  • Use some of your school funding for breaktime equipment such as pogo sticks, space hoppers, skipping ropes, dance mats, etc.
  • Print off and provide your breaktime supervisors with Playtime Games resources.

Elementary Phys Ed Lessons

Then, of course, there’s your crucial Phys Ed lessons.  Shape America recommends 150 minutes of instructional Elementary physical education per week. Remember, PE should be a knowledge based subject and not the place for training elite athletes.  So be sure to offer a wide variety of sports and, most importantly, discuss and demonstrate skills throughout your lessons so your students understand why they are taking part.

Promote Healthy Living

Encourage and reward your students for leading healthy lifestyles.  Let them ‘show and tell’ their sporting achievements.  Discuss the healthy things they can do in everyday life with family and friends.

Your students look up to you.  So be a good role model, discussing the healthy things you have done at home, and wearing your tracksuit on PE day.  These are all small influences, but they engrain healthy values which can make profound lifestyle differences to the next generation.